


  • NO upfront payments to anyone on this platform and please ensure all transactions and orders are made over the counter to the respected shop.We will not be responsible for any loss or damages caused by offline transactions.
  • KYSPA (Knowing Your Service Provider/Shop). At SCANNO, we strive to ensure that we do our due diligence to ensure a safe and secure experience for everyone. However, we advise you to get enough information before engaging with the Service Provider including the cost, options, details, delivery, etc.amages caused by offline transactions.
  • For a safer experience, we encourage COD-Cash on Delivery for all our transactions.ctions.
  • SCANNO NEVER sends unsolicited business offers to anyone.


Messages and Ads posted to our platform are solely the opinion and responsibility of the person posting the message. We assume no absolute responsibility for any loss (time/money/energy) as a result of using the information posted in this Ads platform. We do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any topics/messages posted here. We reserve the right to delete your Account without any notice. Your visiting of this site shall be deemed as your acceptance of this disclaimer.